Electrohydraulic Releases ZE-X
Electrohydraulic release typu ZE–X is a device substituting the formerly produced brake release type ZHA. This release can be provided with spring causing return movement of piston rod.
Release type ZE1250–X109 and ZE2500–X122 substitutes brake release type ZHA in version ”11” — with tapped-hole yoke “11(X–109)” and “11(X–122)”.
Release type ZE1250 –X115 and ZE2500–X121 substitutes brake release type ZHA in version ”12” — with forked-eye yoke “12(X–115)” and “12(X–121)”.
Release type ZE1250–X116 and ZE2500–X120 substitutes brake release type ZHA in version ”13” — with capped yoke “13(X–116)” and “13(X–120)”.
Normal (standard) N/1 – for utilization in open air in temperate climate. Protection rating IP 65.
Ambient temperature:
-25 °C to +40 °C (electro-insulating transformer oil),
-40 °C to +50 °C (silicone oil – DOW CORNING Fluid 200 10 cSt).