Cantoni Motor S.A. awarded the Forbes Diamond 2023

This year's Forbes Diamonds shines with RAL5010 - Cantoni Motor is proud to be awarded the Forbes Diamond 2023.

The Forbes Diamond is a laurel for the company’s achievements to date and maintaining the prominent level of our services and products in the extremely difficult and unpredictable reality of the domestic and global market.

At the same time, the award is a signpost that our effort, passion for running responsible business and our investment strategy are the right way for the future to capture the dynamics of the revolution that has been redefining the business reality in recent years.

“Record inflation, Russia's invasion of Ukraine, disruptions in supply chains caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the collapse of stock markets, especially in the technology sector. Despite these plagues in the economy, Polish business has shown how strong it can be. These companies that, despite adversity, not only survived, but also achieved success, were recognized in the Forbes Diamonds 2023 ranking.

The Forbes Diamonds awards are not only a prestigious distinction, but also an opportunity to celebrate successes, build business relationships and hold an expert debate on the condition of Polish business. It is an important forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience that helps companies continue their dynamic development.

Forbes Diamonds is a prestigious annual ranking organized by Forbes Polska. It distinguishes the most dynamically developing companies in Poland, appreciating their ability to achieve success despite challenges and uncertainty. [...]”

Read the full article here:

