Cantoni Online Open Days

Dear Partners,

Have you heard about the modern six degrees of separation theory? It confirms that in our globally-connected world, we are all linked by chain of acquaintance and you are just six introductions away from any other person on the planet.

By your network of contacts, only six persons separates you from discussing new hi-tech with Elon Musk, or exchange thoughts on the latest inventions with Olga Malinkiewicz, PhD, not mentioning passing some footballs to Robert Lewandowski.

Yet, six steps is still a long distance. Therefore, we at Cantoni Motor shorten the way.

Now, you are just 1 (literally one) click away from us.


Click here (link available during Open Days) and contact our Team during Cantoni Online Open Days between 30.05 – 2.06.2022.

Easy, right?

Come and check.
